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GIR - Economics and Public Policy

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Contact Information

  • Beatriz Rodríguez Prado
  • Avda del Valle Esgueva, 6
    Valladolid, Valladolid (47011) - 223 Económicas
  • Send email
  • 983185858
  • 983423299

Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentApplied Economics
  • Investigation GroupResearch Group on economics and public policies


Regional and local development. Local development processes study in Spain and Castilla y León, based on endogenous initiatives. Analysis of the determining factors of the business birth rate in the municipalities of Spain and Castilla y León. Analysis of the impact on the regional economy of the regional public bodies dedicated to the promotion of regional economic activity in its various forms (horizontal public policies): entrepreneurship, SMEs, R&D&I, internationalization and exports, financing (various financial instruments) and regional strategic sectors. Industrial and technological policy. Analysis of the socio-economic interrelationships between R&D and innovation activities and the productive fabric and society. Analysis of the industrial sector, with specific reference to the agrifood industry and its potential as an instrument for development. Analysis of the effects of regional incentives on investment and employment in companies. Analysis of the adaptation of territorial economic promotion schemes to the requirements of the changing environment. Analysis of the social economy sector (cooperatives, labor societies, special employment centers, insertion companies, non-profit organizations, etc.) and its contribution to social cohesion through the generation of wealth and employment at a national and regional level. Analysis of public policies aimed at promoting and supporting the social economy sector, particularly active employment policies and those aimed at adapting to technological change and fostering innovation. Assessment of the social economy in the territory’s economic and social development and its synergies with other political and economic approaches (local development, social welfare, rural development, gender studies, etc.). Programming and assessment of public policies. Assessment of Castilla y León’s rural development program. Measurement and assessment of the efficiency of various public entities and their respective policies, mainly non-profit organizations. Quantification from different perspectives, both parametric and non-parametric methodologies.

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Number of researchers:


Technological Line(s):

- Social and Legal Sciences

Development status:

In research and development phase

Intellectual Property Rights:

No aplica

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Companies and markets:

Public administrations (local, regional, national). Provincial councils. Local/regional development agencies. Science and technology parks. Basically, public administration bodies responsible for issues related to technological and innovation policies. Local action groups. Social economy associations (AEMTA Castilla y León, CONFESAL, FCTACYL, URCACYL, FECLEI, FEAPS Castilla y León, COCEMFE Castilla y León, FEACEM, etc.). Cooperatives, labor societies, special employment centers, insertion companies, mutual benefit societies, foundations, disability sector associations, non-profit social action entities (third Sector), NGOs, etc. Credit institutions (Cajamar, Caja Laboral, etc.). Private manufacturing companies, especially in the agrifood sector.

Additional Information:

The research and dissemination of the social economy carried out since 2004 within the Department of Applied Economics of the Faculty of Economics and Business Studies of the University of Valladolid was recognized in 2010 with the award of the Premio al desarrollo del Cooperativismo y la Economía Social en Castilla y León (prize for the development of cooperativism and the social economy in Castilla y León) by the Regional Government of Castilla y León, through the Regional Department of Economy and Employment.


5902 - Policy sciences

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