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GIR  - Semiconductor Materials and Nanostructures for Optoelectronics

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentPhysics of Condensed Matter, Crystallography and Mineralogy
  • Investigation GroupSemiconductor Materials and Nanostructures for Optoelectronics (GdS-Optronlab)


Characterization of nanostructured semiconductor materials for optoelectronic and energy applications. Contribute to the development, application and dissemination of semiconductor materials and nanostructures for use in optoelectronic devices. In addition, forensic analysis and characterization of materials of the historical and archaeological heritage are made

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Number of researchers:


Technological Line(s):

- Experimental sciences

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


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Additional Information:

  • Study of materials and devices for optoelectronics. Analysis of the reliability of high-power laser diodes, devices used in telecommunications systems for data transmission through fiber optics, such as in submarine cable runs.
  • Study of semiconductors on a micro and nanometric scale. Study of semiconductor nanostructures using microscopic techniques coupled with spectroscopic equipment, in particular: analysis of Si, Ge, SiGe, GaN, GaAs and ZnO nanowires, nanostructures with photovoltaic, electronic and optoelectronic applications, for the manufacture of transistors, LEDs or sensors.
  • Broadband semiconductor characterization. Study of the optical and structural properties of broadband semiconductors, such as zinc oxide, gallium nitride, gallium oxide, for optoelectronic applications, such as the manufacture of blue LEDs.
  • Thermal transport at the nanoscale. Development of physical models for the description of thermal transport in nano-sized semiconductor structures.
  • Analysis of materials for photovoltaic applications. Analysis using different techniques of wafers and cells of mono and polycrystalline silicon and other materials with photovoltaic applications.
  • Development of characterization systems for Si photovoltaic cells. Study of semiconductor nanostructures using microscopic techniques coupled with spectroscopic equipment, in particular: analysis of Si, Ge, SiGe, GaN, GaAs and ZnO nanowires, nanostructures with photovoltaic, electronic and optoelectronic applications, for the manufacture of transistors, LEDs or sensors.
  • Characterization of materials of the historical-artistic and archaeological heritage.

The GdS Optrolab group has a wide variety of equipment to carry out various measurements


3312 - Materials technology

Other members:

Óscar Martínez Sacristán
Miguel Ángel González Rebollo
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Ángel Carmelo Prieto Colorado
Jorge Manuel Souto Bartolomé
José Luis Pura Ruiz
Alfredo Torres Pérez
Sofía Rodríguez Conde
Ángel Moretón Fernández
Jose María Vicente



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