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Ventilation Laboratory HS3

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentArchitectural Constructions, Terrain Engineering and Mechanics of Continuous Means and Structure Theory
  • Investigation GroupVentilation Laboratory HS3


The Ventilation Laboratory is located in the Higher Technical School of Architecture of the University of Valladolid. Its purposes are framed in research and innovation activities for the control and management of air quality in buildings. The study of the behavior of the air is proposed, which is used to achieve basic qualities of the interior environment that provide occupants with hygiene and comfort.

The analysis of the ventilation capacity is intrinsic to the evaluation of the energy efficiency of the building. The rating of the efficiency of the air renewal and especially of its distribution contributes to improving the total energy balance of the building. Within the laboratory's own values ​​is the fundamental objective of combining architectural design with aerodynamic concepts that intervene in the quality of the renovation.

The lines of research followed in the laboratory include: evaluating the quality of the air and the efficiency of ventilation inside occupied spaces; analyze the impact of the renewal of the air in the exterior that is supplied to the interior spaces; qualify the impact of infiltrations in the natural ventilation process and; study new design proposals, systems and equipment that improve the living conditions of buildings.

The ventilation laboratory of the Higher Technical School of Architecture arises from the need to improve the conditions of comfort and wholesomeness of the air inside the occupied spaces and focuses on its research based on four coplanar lines: indoor air quality; renewal of outside air; ducts and; ventilation due to uncontrolled infiltrations. These lines follow a common argument to achieve the objectives set for the improvement of the habitability conditions of the occupants.

The research strategy involves analyzing how the architectural form collaborates on air quality and its distribution in living spaces. For this, the use of indicators is required to objectively evaluate and quantify the suitability of the characteristics and properties of the air for use by the occupants of the buildings.

The ventilation laboratory facilities include an extensive catalog of equipment and means for evaluating the dynamics and quality of air both inside and outside buildings. The laboratory's constituent infrastructure integrates various technical means for the real analysis of air dynamics inside living spaces and in vertical ducts. Others are able to simulate the air in the outdoor spaces that make up urban environments, all equipped with the appropriate instrumentation as well as the best CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) computer support for virtual models.

  • Indoor air quality
  • Outdoor air renewal
  • Infiltrations
  • Vertical ducts

Other information

Number of researchers:


Technological Line(s):

- Laboratories and research centers

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:



6201 - Architecture

Other members:

Alberto Meiss Rodríguez
Miguel Ángel Padilla Marcos
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Diego Tamayo Alonso



Other resources

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