The present Recognized Research Group is configured as a fundamental structure of the University of Valladolid for the articulation of research activity in relation to social research in the field of health and especially of rare diseases. The research group has a clear social and interdisciplinary character. However, research relationships will be sought and fostered with other people from other research fields such as nursing, medicine, the history of science, philosophy, biology, etc.
- Study the social impact of rare diseases
- Investigate educational processes to improve knowledge about rare diseases.
- Know the social phenomena that condition human health
- Study the socio-didactic processes that improve the teaching-learning processes in people affected by rare diseases.
- To evaluate the effectiveness of psycho-socio-educational interventions for the socio-health care of people affected by rare diseases
- Investigate the biosociological phenomena that condition or limit the health of people and especially those affected by rare diseases.
- Pedagogical, psychological and social aspects related to human health and rare diseases in the educational