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TELEKIN - Sistem tele-rehabilitasi untuk gangguan motorik dan kognitif

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentSignal Theory and Communications and Telematics Engineering
  • Investigation GroupTelematic and Image Group (GTi)


TELEKIN - Tele-rehabilitation system for motor and cognitive impairments. The main goal of this system is to encourage patients to conduct their therapy and to guarantee it is appropriate for their pathologies. The system has been scheduled in very different modules, in such a way that adding new ones (if needed) is a very simple process, without needing to make any changes on the old ones. The available modules are: a) Administrator's Web Module: Administrator web interface which allows the setup of the whole system (management of the health center's users, patient allocation to doctors, modification of therapies, etc.). b) Therapist’s Web Module Interface, which allows the therapists to create sessions for those patients they are in charge of, to observe their progress statisticly or to set up the games’ parameters. c) Relatives Web Module: It provides a summary of the patient's main data and their progress in the different rehabilitation sessions. d) Game Module: The game module is a 3D environment including rehabilitation activities for the patients. Patients will be able to complete those activities assigned to them, which can be either assessments in order to measure their improvements, or games in which they must make certain movements to finish them. The motion capture is based on the Microsoft Kinect v2, to capture the patient’s full body movements, and Leap Motion, to capture the patient’s hand movements.

Other information

Number of researchers:


Development status:

In prototype phase

Intellectual Property Rights:

Susceptible de Propiedad Intelectual

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Companies and markets:

The product is meant to be offered to specialists (doctors, therapists) as a tool to follow their patients’ progress wherever they complete their excercises, whether it is at home or at the health center.


Project based on the latest technologies and devices for the development of disability therapy tools or the promotion of active ageing. It uses Virtual and Augmented Reality technologies (3D Viision) and Natural User Interfaces such as Microsoft(C) Kinect and/or Leap Motion.

Additional Information:

Image and Telematics Group (GTI dalam akronim Spanyolnya) adalah grup riset multidisiplin dalam grup riset resmi Masyarakat Informasi (Recognized Research Group atau GIR dalam bahasa Spanyol) di University of Valladolid.


3314 - Medical technology

Other members:

Francisco Díaz Pernas


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