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Design of materials for the rapid release of hydrogen from hydrides in porous supports by means of microwave application.

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  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentChemical Engineering and Environmental Technology
  • Investigation GroupPressure Process Engineering


The aim of this research project is to develop a new material that will improve the processes of releasing hydrogen from stabilized hydride particles on porous substrates through the application of microwave heating. To this end, the following specific objectives are proposed: to develop the production process of porous silica aerogels loaded with metal particles as a support material for hydride particles that can be heated by microwaves; to analyze the heating process of this material, and particularly the stability and preservation of its heating properties with microwaves after repeated heating and cooling cycles; to carry out a feasibility analysis of hydrogen release through the application of microwaves to this support material once it has been loaded with hydride particles.

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The possible areas of application of the technology are very broad, covering all the fields in which the use of hydrogen as an energy vector is being studied and developed. These sectors include, among others: - The automotive industry. - Portable electronic devices or small equipment. - Installations in remote or inaccessible locations for conventional energy distribution systems, where the use of renewable energy is an interesting alternative, but it is important to avoid possible shutdowns due to the fluctuating nature of these forms of energy. The commercial and business interest in these applications is very strong, and in recent years there has been a considerable investment in the development of new hydrogen storage materials, such as hydrides, carbon nanotubes, organometallic networks, etc. An important aspect of the proposed innovation is that it is not intended to compete with or replace these techniques, which would be difficult considering the time and resources involved in developing them, but rather as a complement that could improve a specific aspect, the heating process management, which is important and common to several of them.


Silicon aerogels are characterized by a very low dielectric constant, so the addition of metal particles (reflective material, in this case ferrocene), greatly improves heating through the microwave technique. Thereupon, the advantages of microwave heating can be summarized as: 1. A mechanism of energy transfer instead of heat transfer takes place, with the corresponding economic and ecological advantages. 2. A rapid, selective and targeted heating of the material occurs. 3. The thermal effects are reversible, as heating starts from inside the material, which allows microwave radiation to be more efficient than conventional heating methods (where thermal gradients exist). 4. Heating by microwave radiation is an efficient alternative to conventional energy-saving methods. Then, as it has been said before, this process represents a system based on green chemistry adapted to environmental sustainability.

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3312 - Materials technology

Other members:

Luis Miguel Sanz Moral
Miriam Rueda Noriega



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