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Chair - Chair Urban Agenda 2030 for Local Development (CAU2030DL)

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  • Avda del Valle Esgueva, 6
    Valladolid, Valladolid (47011)
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  • 983423292
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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentApplied Economics


Aims of the Chair 

To promote research related to the strategic objectives of the Spanish Urban Agenda in a systematic, critical and multidisciplinary manner.
2. To promote the transmission of knowledge related to the specific objectives and lines of action of the Spanish Urban Agenda through the organization of activities and events related to the university institution.
3. To develop the necessary training for the groups involved in the implementation of the Spanish Urban Agenda following the principles that govern the university institution.
4. To collaborate in the diagnosis and assessment of the system of indicators for the evaluation and monitoring of the Spanish Urban Agenda as well as in the development and implementation of the corresponding action plans of the different administrations involved.
5. Attend to the international projection of the Chair in order to respond to the international commitments adopted in accordance with the 2030 Agenda, the United Nations New Urban Agenda and the European Urban Agenda.

Social and economic interest

The Urban and Rural Agenda and the demographic challenge for the fight against depopulation are lever policies of the structural reform necessary for sustainable and inclusive growth, reflected in the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan proposed by the Government of Spain.
Administrations at all levels, civil society, the private sector and universities have much to say and contribute to this paradigm shift. Its approach is in line with the challenges posed and with the strategic vision of the two international Urban Agendas signed in 2016. It is also in line with Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) number 11, which seeks sustainable, inclusive, safe and resilient cities. It does not forget the villages, nor the predominantly rural territories, which also play an important role in development and which live under the constant risk of depopulation and because of their link with the urban on which they depend and by which, at times, they can be threatened. All this in a context perfectly aligned with many other SDGs to which cities and towns are related.

Other information

Technological Line(s):

- Cathedra

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Other members:

Pablo de Frutos Madrazo



Other resources

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