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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentSignal Theory and Communications and Telematics Engineering
  • Investigation GroupTelemedicine and eHealth Group (GTe)


Psiconnect: web application for communication between health personnel, carers and patients suffering from psychiatric disorders. The Psiconnect platform was designed to be used within the psychiatry field in general, though its tools can be used in any field where a direct and private communication comes in handy. Within psychiatry, there is no relevant or widespread alternative offering the same services to the user.

Other information

Number of researchers:


Development status:

In prototype phase

Intellectual Property Rights:

Propiedad Intelectual registrada: VA-209-2013

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Companies and markets:

The Psiconnect platform was designed to be used within the psychiatry field in general, though its tools can be used in any field where a direct and private communication comes in handy. Within psychiatry, there is no relevant or widespread alternative offering the same services to the user.


Regarding this software's innovative features, it is to be noted the integration within the same platform of different services for direct communication between users and the dissemination of news and resources useful to health personnel and patients. Among the services provided, the most important are: discussion boards, chat, video calls, direct messaging, useful news, search for printed and online resources. This platform represents an innovation within psychiatry, as it is a great step forward to integrate new telecommunication technologies within this speciality, where diagnoses and treatments can be provided, in many cases, without a physical examination of the patient.

Additional Information:

Diego Velasco Morejón was awarded the PROMETEO 2013 (Award organized by the University of Valladolid). for this project.


3314 - Medical technology

Other members:

Miguel López Coronado
Beatriz Sainz de Abajo
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Miguel Maldonado López
Carlos del Pozo Vegas



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