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Optimization of operating conditions in decalcification, discoloration and/or demineralization

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentChemical Engineering and Environmental Technology
  • Investigation GroupTechnology of Chemical and Biochemical Processes


The group has a versatile pilot plant that can be located in the plant and work with the actual process streams. It can easily replace the adsorption/ion-exchange resin type, so that it can be used to remove cationic (e.g. calcium), anionic (e.g. inorganic anions, dyestuffs) or uncharged (some colored compounds) compounds. The pilot plant allows both upstream and downstream operations and has several columns so that it is possible to obtain information of interest for the operation’s industrial scaling. Additionally, laboratory-scale columns are available to select the most suitable type of resin for each need prior to the optimization of the pilot plant’s operating conditions.

Other information

Number of researchers:


Development status:

Developed but not marketed

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Companies and markets:

Agri-food sector companies, water treatment sector


The pilot plant is versatile. It allows to operate in many different ways and with different resins, which can be easily replaced. It is equipped with the necessary instrumentation for the correct process follow-up, and one can directly work in the industrial installation, which allows immediate results and with contrasted validity.

Additional Information:

Equipment available: Basic infrastructure in bioprocess laboratory: laminar flow chamber, autoclave, centrifuges, microscope. Orbital incubators. Shaker tank reactors of 250-500 mL. Thermostats. Commercial fermenters of 2.5 L with pH, temperature and dissolved oxygen control. Air-lift and bubble columns photobioreactors. Basic infrastructure in process laboratory: ozone generator. Vapor explosion unit. Full and tubular mixing reactors. High pressure catalytic reactor. Adsorption/ion-exchange columns, laboratory scale. Adsorption/ion-exchange pilot plant. Pervaporation pilot plant-laboratory. Analytic infrastructure: extractive determination unit. Spectrophotometer. HPLC equipment with refractive index, diode array and conductivity detectors. Polarimeter. Refractometer. Selective electrodes. General analysis equipment. Future perspectives: development of consolidated fermentation processes. Optimization of fermentation processes with in situ product recovery. Collaboration in national and international projects in the field of biofuel and bioproduct production from industrial waste and/or by-products. International collaboration in projects from the H2020 program, in line with the priorities set by JTI Biobases Industries. Other interesting facts: belonging to the Sugar Technology Center (CTA) of the University of Valladolid. The group maintains relations with the CIEMAT (Center for Energy, Environmental and Technological Research), the Biofuels Unit of the Renewable Energies Division, the Biofuels and Bioproducts Center (CBB) managed by ITACyL, and the Higher School of Biotechnology of the Catholic University of Porto (Portugal). The GIR is a member of the Spanish Thematic Network of "Biotechnology of lignocellulosic materials: enzymatic, chemical and molecular challenges for their industrial and environmental application" (LIGNOCEL)UIC 129 (Consolidated Research Unit).


3310 - Industrial technology

Other members:

Mónica Coca Sanz



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