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Agrimetrics is a device designed to allow users to control the production of their crops. It has become increasingly necessary to implement tools in order to improve the RDI strategies (regulated deficit irrigation) through a leaf sensor. One of the tools is the MSI (mapping results.). In this regard, farmers have the basis of plans in accordance with the records for the performance of different strategies to optimize their plantation. Those records are based on thorough parameter controls which are decisive when implementing the Agrimetrics RDI Strategy. Agrimetrics will be exclusive for each type of crop. The main purpose of Agrimetrics is to provide a control system that allows to develop a deficit irrigation system in order to make it better in terms of quality and crop yield. The technology will be accessible to the user. So that, both the farmer and the staff in charge will have the data; and on the other hand, both will get the necessary steps for crop optimization.Other information
Number of researchers:
Development status:
In prototype phase
Intellectual Property Rights:
Differentiation in the market:
Applicability of technology:
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Among the innovative aspects of the project, it stands out: the use of the "leaf sensor", whose main objective consists of making precise measurements (μm), which are able to give us more details about the moisture level in plant leaves and if its water needs are covered. In addition, the ability to carry out an exhaustive crop control; consequently, maximizing the production and reducing the costs of it. The system will be a management tool for optimizing agricultural products; mainly irrigated crops. Moreover, it will provide farmers with competences needed for monitoring and to provide comprehensive knowledge in order to prevent diseases as a result of loss of crops.
Additional Information:
Premio Prometeo 2014 (Award organized by the University of Valladolid)
3399 - Other technological specialities
Other members:
Silvia Tomillo Alonso
Nicolás Lumbreras Fuertes
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