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GIR - Legal and Political Theories of Modernity

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    Valladolid, Valladolid (47011)
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  • 983423005
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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentPhilosophy (Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Theory and History of Education, Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics and Theory of Arts)
  • Investigation GroupLegal and Political Theories of Modernity


• The research group "Legal and political theories of the Modern Age" brings together researchers from the University of Valladolid belonging to three areas of knowledge, who have been working together since 1994 in the framework of successive research projects on political and legal thought of modern Spain, which have given rise to various collective and individual publications on this matter. With its formal constitution as G. I. R., this team aspires to extend and reinforce its lines of research, with the following objectives:

1) Develop and coordinate individual and team research on the legal and political theory created in the Hispanic field in the 16th to 18th centuries, as well as, in general, on the philosophical and philosophical theories of the Modern Age, especially in both are related to the Spanish of the same period.
2) Edit texts and prepare studies that disseminate the group's research results.
3) Organize scientific meetings, courses and seminars on topics specific to the lines of research developed.
4) Promote relationships and exchanges with other researchers and related research groups of Spanish and foreign universities.
5) Seek to increase the bibliographic funds required for the proper development of current and future research of the group.

• Legal and political theory in the 16th to 18th centuries, especially in the Hispanic sphere
• Currents and prominent authors of modern legal and political philosophy linked to Spanish thought from the same period
• Reception of Roman Law in the legal and political theories of Modernity
• Influence of Spanish legal and political thought in America during the Modern Age

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Technological Line(s):

- Social and Legal Sciences

Applicability of technology:


Other members:

Francisco Javier Peña Echeverría



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