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Recognized Research Group - Study, Preservation and Recovery of the Archaeological, Historical and Environmental Heritage (AHMAT)

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Contact Information

  • Campus Miguel Delibes, Paseo Belén, 7
    Valladolid, Valladolid (47011)
  • Send email
  • 983423016
  • 983423013

Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentPhysics of Condensed Matter, Crystallography and Mineralogy


The purpose of this research group is the recovery, study and preservation, from a multidisciplinary perspective, of heritage assets in both their historical-archaeological and environmental aspects. This is reflected, on the one hand, with the application of various techniques of analysis, at a physical-chemical, morphological, structural and typological level, as well as its contextualization and detailed documentation that allow to deepen the knowledge of various heritage and environmental assets. On the other hand, in the development of new functional materials and technologies capable of improving the recovery and preservation of this heritage, either, for example, through the treatment of contaminated water, the improvement of energy efficiency, the elimination of alterations in monumental elements.


1. To deepen the knowledge of the elements that make up the historical-archaeological and environmental heritage through its multidisciplinary study.
2. To develop new technologies, materials or protocols for the recovery, study and preservation of historical-archaeological and environmental heritage.
3. To increase knowledge about cultures or ethnic groups that inhabited in the past through the recovery and contextual historical-archaeological and archaeometric study of their material culture.
4. To train graduates and postgraduates through the realization of Final Projects and Doctoral Theses in our fields of interest.
5. To contribute to the dissemination and social awareness of the importance of heritage and its preservation (educational programs, lecture series, seminars, qualified guided tours, etc.).
6. To attend to the needs of small and medium enterprises, as well as the public sector, in relation to the recovery, study, characterization and preservation of heritage.

Research lines

1. Archaeometry: Physical-chemical characterization, documentary study and contextualization of historical and archaeological heritage materials.
2. Archaeology and History: Recovery and documentation of various historical and proto-historical goods and their contextual, typological, physical analysis, etc., for historical reconstruction.
3. Development of new technologies and materials for the study and preservation of historical heritage.
4. Development of new technologies and materials for the study and preservation of the environmental heritage.
5. Development of new technologies and materials for the education of heritage and environmental assets.
6. Development of functional materials and their manufacturing techniques.

Other information

Technological Line(s):

- Experimental sciences

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


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