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Chair - Chair of European Intangible Cultural Heritage - ICH Chair

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  • 983 423 652 / 983 423 989
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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • CenterInstitute of European Studies Universidad de Valladolid


Aims of the Chair

Article 2 of the Regulations: The following may be considered as the purposes of the Chair of European Intangible Cultural Heritage:
The organization of scientific meetings, congresses, symposiums and national/international seminars related to the field of European Intangible Cultural Heritage or in a comparative field.
The development of Research Projects on European Intangible Cultural Heritage in relation to a broad disciplinary field.
The creation of a Library Specialized in European Intangible Cultural Heritage, in connection with the existing European Documentation Center of the University of Valladolid, which will be incorporated to it. Its constitution will be based on the funds that will be provided by the Anthropology Association of Castilla y León and directly donated by some of its members.
To establish scientific relations with national and international centers, preferably University Institutes with related topics of interest.
To promote the production of publications that collect the research work of its members and facilitate relations with other university centers. Research, development, innovation and demonstration, carried out in collaboration with other organizations and institutions, so that university activity is linked to the social reality of the environment, which it must serve.

Social and economic interest

From this perspective, we believe that the creation of a Chair of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Europe should be a commitment to respond to the current challenge of European identity and to show the true value of the European cultural legacy, in its broadest conception, in that which identifies us and unites us to the peoples of Europe and which has been forged from Antiquity to the present day.

Other information

Technological Line(s):

- Cathedra

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Other members:

Dámaso Francisco Javier Vicente Blanco



Other resources

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