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Cátedra - Chair of Trade Unionism and Social Dialogue

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Contact Information

  • Plaza Campus Universitario, 1
    Valladolid, Valladolid (47011)
  • Send email
  • 983423573
  • 983423056

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  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
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Aims of the Chair

To promote the study and scientific research on trade unionism, its origin, historical development, manifestations, social function, as well as social dialogue and its impact on labor and social policies that, as a result of social dialogue, have been developed in Castilla y León since the 90s of the last century, and since 2016 at the local level, with special reference to the social dialogue of Valladolid. One of the main functions from the academic point of view is the training in matters related to the world of work, dedicating an important part to the training of the rights that the employed workers have. Many of these labor rights constitute the competences that the law attributes to the legal, unitary and union representatives, so it is necessary that such representatives have a qualified training on it.  We offer this training through postgraduate and continuing education courses, open classrooms, seminars, conferences, all of which are taught by highly qualified academic, research and professional faculty, with more than thirty professors participating in the annual courses (own degree and continuing education courses), half of them from the Uva and the rest from other Spanish universities, as well as ILO trainers, professionals of recognized prestige from the judiciary, the legal profession and the civil service, such as the territorial director of the labor and social security inspectorate of Castilla y León and the head of the labor inspectorate of Valladolid.

Social and economic interest
Social and economic interest

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Technological Line(s):

- Cathedra

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Other members:

Ana Murcia Clavería



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