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A mobility system adapted for people with severe motor disabilities has been implemented, starting from different types of biomedical signal detention interfaces. This system uses eye winks, residual ability in a large number of cases, to guide an electric wheelchair. The interaction with the conventional joystick guidance system is made in a mechanical way and external to it. The system includes an Arduino hardware platform that makes all the necessary processing with the help of a microcontroller, which is responsible for managing the detection of orders, the direction control and the speed and the detection of obstacles. With regard to the hardware, apart from the interface and the power system, the control of the joystick is made in a mechanical way and external to it through an engine system and the detection of obstacles through ultrasounds uses a three sensors network, side and frontal.Other information
Number of researchers:
Development status:
In research and development phase
Intellectual Property Rights:
Susceptible de propiedad intelectual
Differentiation in the market:
Applicability of technology:
Companies and markets:
Health-care and medical field. Assisted and rehabilitation systems Addressed to people with severe motor disabilities or big mobility problems.
This system is of particular importance to those who, because of their mobility issues, need continuous attention, since the equipment will bestow more independence on them.
3314 - Medical technology
Other members:
Ramón de la Rosa Steinz
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