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Zooarchaeology and human osteology.

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentPhilosophy (Philosophy, Logic and Philosophy of Science, Theory and History of Education, Moral Philosophy, Aesthetics and Theory of Arts)
  • Investigation GroupCenter of Vacceous Studies "Federico Wattenberg"


Characterization of diets and funeral offerings, through the analysis of the skeletal remains of faunas; study of human cremations of the iron age.

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Developed but not marketed

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Archaeology. Tourism. Wine tourism. Cultural heritage. Restoration of cultural interest properties.

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Works. More than two hundred agreements and contracts signed with various public and private entities and institutions to carry out the Pintia project developed in the Pintia Archaeological site (Padilla de Duero/ Pesquera de Duero, Valladolid) between 1999 and 2015. Publications. Every year since 2008, the CEVFW (Federico Wattenberg Center for Vaccean Suties) publishes its “Vaccea anuario”, 100 pages in which the campaign of archaeological excavations from the previous year is summarized and spreads, by the diverse sections of the magazine, relevant aspects from the Vaccei and the pre-roman people of the Iberian Peninsula, vaccei cities, characteristic features of the vaccei people and news related to the CEVFW. Furthermore, two editorial lines have been launched which have published numerous books of research and spread about the research lines and work developed in the CEVFW. Nowadays there are around twenty books published. Design and installation of informative exhibitions about the vaccei culture in the MUVa (Valladolid), National Archaeological museum (Madrid), Casa de las Carnicerías in León, Silo de Cea (León), Casa del Dr. Laguna (Segovia) and 7 publications of the exhibitions “VAccearte. Arte Contemporáneo de Inspiración Vaccea” since 2007 in the museums: MUVa (University of Valladolid), Museu Guerra Junqueiro (Oporto), Dom Diogo de Sousa (Braga)Marina Douro (Oporto) Casa Junco (Uva, Palencia) Museum of Palencia, Bodegas Protos en Peñafiel (Valladolid), Bodegas Carraovejas en Peñafiel (Valladolid), Palacio Pimentel of the Diputación de Valladolid, Museo de Foz-Côa (Villanova de Foz Côa, Portugal) and Museo de Barcelos (Portugal). HD Videocamera and professional tripod techniques. Optic microscopic, Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM+EDX), Raman spectroscopy studies. Assisted drawing programs (CAD and 3D) by computer, image processing and budgets.


5101 - Cultural anthropology

Other members:

Juan Francisco Pastor Vázquez
Ignacio Represa Bermejo
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Luis Sanz Díez
Carlos Sanz Mínguez
Carmelo Prieto Colorado



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