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LAB - Remote sensing laboratory

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentApplied Physic
  • Investigation GroupRemote Sensing Laboratory (LATUV)


The LATUV was created in 1989, a secondary Meteosat receiving antenna was purchased, valid to receive the analogue WEFAX transmissions from the Meteosat. Despite the elementary nature of this first equipment, it was possible to carry out two Doctoral Theses, both with the highest marks, which were subsequently published in international journals, and the first research project was also obtained: “Study of the spatio-temporal evolution of storms through Meteosat images ”financed by CICYT from 1988 to 1991.
Subsequently, starting in 1991, the group had its own NOAA-AVHRR image receiving antenna and a high-resolution METEOSAT-PDUS receiver thanks to the help of the FEDER funds, since then focusing its work not only from a point of seen purely investigative, but also applied, trying to transmit to society the advances that were taking place in this field and taking advantage of having newly captured images to work in real time.
The LATUV daily image archive covers from 1986 to date for NOAA images and from 1992 to date, every half hour, for Meteosats.
From the commissioning of these antennas, studies related to the environment, vegetation, forest fires, etc. began.
In 2003, with the launch of MODIS sensors; flying on the TERRA and AQUA satellites, it was decided to acquire an X-band unit to capture this data. After a careful study of the market, they contracted with the Russian company SCANEX, with which excellent relations have been maintained since then, which include not only a maintenance contract, but mutual cooperation and support in the organization of symposium, distribution of images. etc.
The launch of the Meteosat Second Generation MSG gave LATUV the opportunity to expand its antenna field, and replace the elderly Meteosat-7, and for this reason a receiver antenna was purchased from the Dartcom company in 2005.
From the collaboration between LATUV and the technological area of ​​Elecnor emerges in 2006, Elecnor Deimos Imaging, a company specialized in the design, implementation, operation and exploitation of a complete space system for Earth observation, becoming the first private company with a satellite, Deimos 1.

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Technological Line(s):

- Other UVa laboratories

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One of the environmental problems that affect Mediterranean countries is FOREST FIRES. Not only during the summer, but throughout the year, with a maximum in the early spring, thousands of hectares are devastated by fire. Remote sensing is a very effective tool in all stages of fire:

1.- Before the fire, allowing to estimate the risk of fires based on the humidity of the fuel, its development stage, etc.

2.- At the time of the outbreak of the fire, through rapid detection, determining its temperature, power, etc.

3.- During the evolution of the fire, locating the flame front, the characteristics of the fire and supplying data that feed the fire evolution models.

4.- Once the fire is over, determining the burned area and its severity

5.- After the fire, monitoring the recovery of vegetation.

All these tasks have been carried out at LATUV through numerous projects, supported mainly by the European Space Agency, ESA, and by different contracts with the former ICONA; various Autonomous Governments, Civil Protection etc.

One of the main fields of application of remote sensing is agriculture. From the space it is possible to know the state of development of the crops, compare it with its situation in previous years, estimate the harvests months in advance, etc. etc.

The classification of land uses, the detection of changes or the measurement of the areas corresponding to the different types of agricultural uses are well established tasks.

There are global surveillance systems for large food-producing areas: the cereal fields of the USA, Ukraine or Russia, the rice fields of China or Pakistan, the Sahel areas, which allow not only to anticipate the needs of the market but also to carry out preventive work. of possible famines or food shortages.

On other occasions, by means of multi-time analyzes, techniques are developed for the application of agricultural insurance. The NDVI vegetation index is extremely useful for its great sensitivity to the photosynthetic activity of crops.

At LATUV we have developed cereal crop forecasting models with a reliability well below 10%. Likewise, we have applied Principal Component techniques to detect changes in land uses, we have collaborated on the CORINE-2000 map and since 2001 we have been responsible for pasture and beekeeping insurance that cover the risks of thousands of Spanish farmers. We have also developed specific analyzes for different companies, aimed at determining magnitudes such as LAI, biomass, or the chemical components of the grape: pH, anthocyanins, sugar, etc.



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