In the Cartography and Geographic Information Systems Laboratory we develop three clearly defined lines of action:
At the University of Valladolid we have extensive experience in training on Geographic Information Systems. The Geography Department was one of the first to offer this teaching on a bachelor's degree, when in 1994 we offered a 6-credit subject, to expand it to 9 in 1998.
Currently, in the new Geography and Territorial Planning Degree, we offer two compulsory subjects of 6 credits each. In addition to teaching in regulated teaching, we have trained numerous graduates from various disciplines through initiation and specialization courses. We have taught 15 editions of the Introductory Course on Geographical Information Systems, with a teaching load of 40 hours, 10 editions of the Advanced Course on Geographical Information Systems, with a duration of 120 hours.
We also teach in Official Master's degrees taught by the University of Valladolid in which GIS courses are offered. This is the case of the Master in Environmental Engineering, taught at the School of Environmental Engineering, and the Master in Regional and Local Development and Territory Management, taught at the Faculty of Economics.
There have been several courses that we have taught for organizations, companies and professional groups. Among them we highlight those at the Agrarian Technological Institute of Castilla y León, the Applus + and Tragsatec companies in Valladolid, the Valladolid City Council, the Ministry of Culture of the Junta de Castilla y León, the Training and Educational Innovation Centers of Burgos and Valladolid , or the Professional College of Civil Engineers, Canals and Ports (Valladolid District).
Our experience and the quality of the teaching we provide make us one of the reference training centers in the field of Geographic Information Systems.
Basic and applied research has always been one of the most important tasks carried out by the Department of Geography in the field of GIS and Remote Sensing.
We collaborate with other Departments and Research Groups of the University of Valladolid and other Spanish universities, in research projects that they are carrying out, contributing to the treatment of geographic information through GIS in their research and areas of interest.
There are numerous research projects, contracts, dissertations, theses, etc. in which cartography and information processing have been carried out through GIS. Some of them are mentioned below.
We make available to the university community, public administrations and companies our knowledge and techniques for the preparation of studies and works that need or use GIS applications as a basic tool and that are capable of being transferred to the public or private company.
We also offer technical assistance to Administrations and companies that request it for the development of their applications related to cartography and Geographic Information Systems in all its dimensions, through the signing of contracts with individuals, Universities or public and private entities for the carrying out scientific, technical or artistic work, for the development of specialized teaching or specific training activities, in accordance with Art. 83 of the LOU, as well as through Repetitive Technical Services.
Finally, it should be noted that reports and expert reports have also been issued at the request of the Superior Court of Justice of Castilla y León (TSJCyL).
- Instrumental techniques (list of the main equipment)
We have all the computer and cartographic means necessary for the development of our work and projects: computers, printers, plotters, GPS, stereoscopic viewers, mapping servers, software licenses (ArcGIS), etc.