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Historical cartography

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Contact Information

  • Jesús Varela Marcos
  • Plaza del Campus, S/N
    Valladolid, Valladolid (47011)
  • Send email
  • 983426650
  • 983423007

Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentModern, Contemporary and American History, Journalism and Audiovisual Communication and Advertising
  • Investigation GroupHistorical and anthropological studies of Latin America


The current research line is one of the most efficient lines of the three project options (Historical Cartography, American History and Antropology) that belong to the GIR (Reconognized Research Group). It is based on the study of the historical cartography with the objective of certifying events and carrying new analyzed pictures into the historical map market. Our task includes the first-class research and the publication of our projects based on the Spanish findings in Ibero-America and on the politics that promote them in the 16th Century. So that, we are also involved in cartography by publishing the corresponding nautical charts (most of them are unknown). The purpose of the group training leads to the sponsorized or independent analysis of the American History and Antropology in accordance with the presented multiple lines of research. The objectives will be articulated throug projects dedicated to the knowledge of the historical evolution of the many aspects that have been shaping the american reality and the differences and similarities that can be perceived in relation to the histoy of Spain and the spanish traditional culture. Are objectives of the group: A) Facilitate the scientific communication between its members B)Do research projects C)Disseminate the results of the group

Other information

Number of researchers:


Development status:

In research and development phase

Applicability of technology:


Companies and markets:

Publishing industry, embassies and Councils

Additional Information:

Patents: 1- Mapamundi de Ptolomeo (Ptolemy's world map.) ISBN: 84-932818-3-2 2- Mapamundi de Abraham Cresques (Abraham Cresques' world map.) ISBN: 84-930629-8-7 3- Carta de Toscanelli (Toscanelli's map.) (Reconstruction) 4- Carta Colombina de septiembre de 1492 (Columbian map of september 1492.) ISBN: 84-932818-2-4 5- Carta Náutica de Colón de 1494 (Columbus nautic chart of 1492.) ISBN: 84-932818-1-6 6- Carta del Tratado de Tordesillas (Treaty of Tordesillas Chart.) ISBN: 84-930629-9-5 7- Portulano de Tordesillas (Tordesillas Portolan.) ISBN: 84-932818-0-8 8- El Portulano de Valladolid (Valladolid Portolan.) ISBN: 84-86808-49-9 9- Carta de Piri Re’is (Piri Reis Map.) ISBN: 84-932818-4-0 10-Cartilla y Doctrina Cristiana…Valladolid 1751 (Catechism and Christian Doctrine...Valladolid 1751.) 11- Jesús VARELA MARCOS, Facsímil de la Carta - Instrucción de los Reyes Católicos a Colón para la celebración del cuarto viaje (Chart Facsimile - Catholic Monarchs' Instructions to Columbus for the Celebration of the Fourth Voyage.) Instituto Interuniversitario de Estudios de Iberoamérica y Portugal (Inter-University Institute of Ibero-American and Portuguese Studies.) Valladolid, 2001 12-Jesús VARELA e Irene RUIZ. Fragments of the Verdesotos of Valladolid Diary, Study and Facsimile Edition Valladolid 2006. D. L. VA. 639-2006.Prizes:• Prize for Research on History of America 1989 of the Provincial Council of Valladolid for the book: El inicio del comercio Castellano con América a través del puerto de Santander (The Begining of the Castilian Trade with America via the Port of Santander.) • Medalla de la Ordenal Nacional do Cruzeiro do Sur, No Grau de Oficial da mesma Orden.(Decreto 25 de octubre de 2002)The National Order of the Southern Cross Medal in the grade of Officer (Decree 25 of October 2002.) • The Badge of Honor of the University of Valladolid. Valladolid, on 2nd October 2003. Publications:


5504 - History by epochs

Other members:

Jesús Maria Aparicio Gervas
Mercedes Cano Herrera
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Jose Manuel Fradejas Rueda
Carmen Hoyos Hoyos
María Luisa Martínez de Salinas
Miguel Angel Zalama Rodríguez



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