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Chair - Chair of Educommunication and Disruptive Technologies applied to Audiovisual Innovation

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  • Campus María Zambrano, Plaza Alto de los Leones, 1
    Segovia, Segovia (40001)
  • Send email
  • 921112207
  • 921112301

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  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • Department-


Aims of the Chair

The purpose of the Chair is to be a reference for innovation in the audiovisual sector, with the monitoring of trends, applications, studies of disruptive technologies both to support strategic decisions in the companies of the sector, their implementation in production, as well as to integrate this knowledge with the academic field, carrying out the following activities, among others, without this list being limiting or excluding any other that may be agreed upon:(a) Research projects will be developed on different aspects related to the audiovisual activity. The objective will be to assist in strategic decisions regarding the sector's operations, identify new trends and provide many market players with access to results obtained from scientific research carried out with innovative methodology.
b) Ultimately, all the knowledge generated will be materialized in new specific training plans, which will lead to better trained students in the business environment.
c) To have a continuous diagnosis of the situation and evolution of the audiovisual sector, creating an observatory to analyze the evolution of the sector.
d) To promote the development of innovation projects in the audiovisual sector with a scientific basis, generating knowledge for its practical application in the audiovisual sector in general.
e) To bring the knowledge obtained to the training of students and teachers of degrees related to the audiovisual sector.
f) Encourage the transmission of experiences in audiovisual innovation to public and private organizations for enrichment from the University to society in general, creating and developing a complete and orderly documentary collection that can be studied and consulted by those interested in the subjects and fields of action.
g) To promote audiovisual research, bringing countries together and promoting changes in society.
h) Promote the exchange of experiences and their approach to the university world, as well as the creation of dialogue groups with institutional participation both nationally and internationally, on innovation in the audiovisual.
i) Promote the creation of multidisciplinary groups for the elaboration of end-of-degree projects with a vision of innovation in the audiovisual field and the increase of the viability of its implementation as a business activity.
j) To organize and participate in regional, national and international conferences, forums, congresses and meetings on these subjects.
k) Attend to the international projection of the Chair through multilateral organizations and the creation of a network of "win-win" alliances with universities at a national and international level.
l) To energize the Chair so that it becomes part of projects with economic viability, seeking self-financing.
m) To become a support organization to increase the transmission of knowledge between the University and the company.
n) To favor social inclusion and gender equality.

Social and economic interest

The Chair has a transversal interest of social and economic interest as one of its objectives is to train professionals to cover new professional profiles needed and to serve the pre-existing business network with a clear vocation of public service.
The purpose of the Chair is to be a benchmark for innovation in the audiovisual sector, with the monitoring of trends, applications, studies of disruptive technologies both to support strategic decisions in the companies of the sector, its implementation in production, as well as to integrate this knowledge with the academic field.
It is intended to carry out, among others, the following activities, without this list being limiting or excluding any other that may be agreed to be adopted:
Research projects will be developed on different aspects referring to the audiovisual activity. The objective will be to help in strategic decisions of the sector's operations, to identify new trends and to give many market players access to results obtained with scientific research carried out with innovative methodology.
Ultimately, all the knowledge generated will be materialized in new specific training plans, which will lead to better trained students in the business field.
To have a continuous diagnosis of the situation and evolution of the audiovisual sector, creating an observatory to analyze the evolution of the sector.Promote the development of innovation projects in the audiovisual sector with a scientific basis, generating knowledge for its practical application in the audiovisual sector in general.To bring the knowledge obtained to the training of students and teachers of audiovisual related degrees.Encourage the transmission of experiences in audiovisual innovation to public and private organizations for the enrichment from the University to society in general, creating and developing a complete and orderly documentary collection that can be studied and consulted by those interested in the subjects and fields of action.
To promote audiovisual research, bringing countries together and promoting changes in society.

Other information

Technological Line(s):

- Cathedra

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Other members:

Alfonso Gutierrez Martin



Other resources

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