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Chair - Chair in Transparency and Open Government (TransGobA)

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • CenterInstitute of European Studies Universidad de Valladolid
  • Department-


Aims of the Chair

The main objective of the Chair of Transparency and Open Government (TransGobA) of the University of Valladolid is to disseminate the culture of transparency and face the challenges it poses from four perspectives: legislative, technological, communicative and ethical.
To this end, this interdisciplinary group promotes reflection, debate and research on transparency, accountability, citizen participation and democratic innovation, with special attention to the use, processing and protection of data, and open government.

Social and economic interest

The activity of the Chair contributes to deepen, from an independent, critical and multidisciplinary perspective, the development of transparency and the right of access to information, the dissemination of good governance practices, and the promotion of citizen participation in public affairs, essential elements of the democratic system.
To this end, the Chair promotes research on all these matters and others directly connected, the use of open data, but also in relation to the technology that makes it possible.
In the same way, it promotes general and specific training actions, and contributes to disseminate the knowledge generated and to put it into practice in institutions and entities, both public and private, and to disseminate it to the public, in order to contribute to the improvement of communication processes, the efficient use of open data and the implementation and development of the "culture of transparency".

Other information

Technological Line(s):

- Cathedra

Development status:

In research and development phase

Applicability of technology:


Other members:

María Aránzazu Moretón Toquero



Other resources

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