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Chair - Cátedra ingenierosVA. Engineering and Employability

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  • Paseo del Cauce, 59
    Valladolid, Valladolid (47011)
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  • 983423309
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  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • Department-


Aims of the Chair

The purpose of the chair is to act as a link between the UVa and the network of professionals of the Colegio ingenierosVA to promote the holistic management of knowledge in industrial engineering and thus contribute significantly to the industrial transition and therefore to social progress.
The aims of the chair are
1. To develop cooperation between the UVa and the Colegio ingenierosVa, favoring the creation of new knowledge and promoting the dissemination of all aspects of common interest between both parties.
2. Act as a link and promote collaboration between different institutions and UVa research teams to create synergies around R+D+i in the industrial field.
3. Advise, train and disseminate projects related to industrial engineering.
4. To create a transversal group of experts in Industrial Engineering to carry out analysis activities and specific projects to bring students closer to the reality of work.
5. Generate different formulas that contribute to mitigate the decapitalization of talent in the region.
6. Consolidate links between the chair and other initiatives at regional, national and international level around the supply of talent to address the double transition.
7. Support university outreach activities, such as cultural, sports or social activities.

Social and economic interest

The Cátedra ingenierosVA - Engineering and Employability is a valuable commitment in the ecosystem of entities that contribute to regional development following the Research and Innovation Strategy for Smart Specialization (RIS3) of the community.
The Chair engineersVAVA given its scope of action, its network of professionals, its location in Valladolid where more than 23% of companies in the community and more than 27% of the 135 largest companies in Castilla y León are located, can and wishes to make a contribution to the industrial development of the community, with special emphasis on the provinces where the University of Valladolid has a presence.
Regarding the modalities of collaboration and with a generic character that allows to act with flexibility and respond to the changing demands of the environment, the activities will focus on:
Supporting and encouraging research projects in different thematic lines of the area of activity covered by the Chair.
Supporting the completion of bachelor's and master's degree final projects in the area of activity covered by the Chair.
To award prizes for bachelor's and master's degree final projects in the area of activity covered by the Chair.
Increase the participation of highly qualified managers and technicians, members of ingenierosVA, in the University, in order to share experiences, know-how and expertise acquired in the work environment.
Organize joint training for professional members of ingenierosVA and members of the university faculty.
To make engineering professions visible and stimulate the STEM vocation.
Facilitate access to the University of Valladolid for engineering graduates and graduates, members of ingenierosVA.
Increase the employability of students through personalized counseling and training in transversal skills.
Facilitate access to the labor market for new engineering graduates through the services offered in this area by the College of Engineering Graduates and Industrial Technical Engineers of Valladolid.
To orient new engineering graduates on the free exercise of the profession and entrepreneurship.
To bring the services offered by ingenierosVA closer to the students.
Collaborate in the development of internships for students in companies related to the College of Graduates in Engineering and Industrial Technical Engineers of Valladolid.
Support students in the internationalization of their CV.
Establish a mentoring system for students by engineering professionals with extensive work experience.
Carry out visits to the production centers of companies related to engineersVA.
Promote, design and organize communication and training activities: conferences, contests, training pills, seminars, courses, etc.
Publication of research and informative articles on the engineering professions, as well as attendance to relevant conferences in the area.

Other information

Technological Line(s):

- Cathedra

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Other members:

Cristina Pérez Barreiro



Other resources

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