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Recognized Research Group - Observatory of French-German interlingual and applied lexicology in contrast to Spanish in the light of Eurolinguistics (OBLEXIA)

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Basic Information

  • UniversityUniversidad de Valladolid
  • Center
  • DepartmentFrench and German Philology


Scientific and technical objectives:

The contrast of German, French and Spanish languages will highlight interculturality, the phenomena of linguistic contact fostered by migration, trade, tourism and foreign language teaching, the semantic-cultural and pragmatic factors inherent in the lexical systems of each of the languages.
OBLEXIA was born, above all, with the aim of reflecting on new socio-cultural realities through the lexicon, mainly of the French and German languages, in the light of Eurolinguistik or Eurolinguistics (neologism coined by the German Klein in 1997 to refer to a new discipline within linguistics), intercomprehension and Lexiculture (neologism coined by the French Galisson in 1987).

Its primary objective is to address lexicology topics by observing their development in a continuous and specialized manner, paying particular attention to:
-lexical innovations, borrowings and specialty languages;
-the phenomena of transfer and interference between languages;
-syntactic collocations, chunks in general, as well as shared cultural expressions and, finally,
-didactic-pedagogical approaches to lexis and translation.
All of this with the final objective of obtaining a broad treatment and greater performance in technical-scientific works, as well as finding heuristic strategies, bringing together the work of doctoral students and sharing the results with the scientific community. Expressly for this purpose an official website of the GIR will be enabled under the name OBLEXIA research.


The creation of OBLEXIA is due to the need to foster teamwork and mutual enrichment, as well as to channel the heterogeneity of the individual work of its members into a cohesive group with a common trajectory with the help of international collaborators and associates. This alliance between researchers is made possible through digital networking.
OBLEXIA wishes to achieve a greater projection of the research of the Department of French and German Philology in order to establish, in the future, networks with other national and international groups and to channel research resources through synergistic work.
Last but not least, the group pursues the interrelation between research and teaching, thus responding to one of the Humboldtian maxims of integrating research into teaching as ethos, improving teaching quality through the coherence of methodological and didactic approaches.
The results generated by OBLEXIA's research may have practical application in the elaboration of material and manuals on the lexicological characterization of the French and German languages, development of bilingual or multilingual glossaries, elaboration of compendiums of neologisms and proposals for teaching innovation in lexical teaching, with special attention to Lexiculture.

Lines of Research

General or specialty lexicology
Synchronic lexicology and applied lexicology in translation and stylistics.
General or specialty bilingual lexicography between the German, French and Spanish languages
Contrastive study of specific linguistic elements and specialty languages
Study of lexical innovations in contact situations and their sources of nomination
Modalities of lexical change
Lexical morphology of German and French as a foreign language
Contact linguistics from the point of view of linguistic borrowings and vocabulary expansion
Transfer and interference

Other information

Technological Line(s):

- Arts and Humanities

Development status:

In research and development phase

Differentiation in the market:


Applicability of technology:


Other members:




Other resources

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